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Jeremy's car added

- About Us -

When we Meet: 2nd Sunday of every month
Where we meet: The Lodge Inn, South Woodham Ferrers
What time we meet: From about 12:00 - 12:30
How you find us: Here is a Map
Can I bring a friend Yes, Everybody is welcome

In the summer months we hope to arrange a mid month meeting where we can go for a drive through the local countryside to give ourselves, and the cars a good airing!! We put on varied events for the area throughout the year, some of these include trips away, pub visits and social events. A number of us also take part in competitions including sprints, racing, hill climbs and Autotests.

We also have a wealth of experience within our membership, so there is always someone to give benefit of their experience, good or bad!
Please pop along to meet us even if you don't have a Westfield.

If you want further information you can contact me via email

We hope to see you soon.

Paul Dew - Essex AO